How To Work Less Hours And Get Paid More... 

Coach A Group Of Clients Instead of Doing Individual Coaching Sessions

From Anthony McAvaney

Dear Coaches And Consultants,

Does this sound like you?

You coach all your clients individually in 1-1 coaching calls and have been operating your coaching business in this way for some time now.  

However, it's got to the stage where you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the continual demands on making your time available to do your coaching. 

But there's a problem, you can't cut back on your coaching calls because this means a cut in your income, which you can't afford right now.

There seems to be a lot of things that frustrate and annoy you right now with the way your business is operating.

You're annoyed at having to continually juggle your time and commitments to accommodate clients who change or cancel their appointments at the last minute?

It's frustrating and worrying being on a continual income roller coaster.... because it's just impossible to predict what the level of your confirmed and billable 1-1 coaching sessions, and the resulting income will be?

You constantly struggle to find the time to attract new individual clients in order to maintain a high level of bookings for your 1-1 coaching sessions...and you know if you're not promoting your business and income isn't going to grow.

To put it bluntly, you're probably feeling quite fed up right now with the way things are going in your coaching or consulting business.

In fact, you'd be ecstatic if you could find a way to create some more free time for yourself without losing clients, cutting back your income, or negatively impacting your clients. 

If so, I know just how you are feeling, I've been there too!

I struggled for a long time trying to find an answer to the question "How might it be possible to reduce the amount of time I spend on providing coaching without sacrificing my income?"

I realised that if it was possible to duplicate, or leverage my coaching time in some way, then that would go some way to helping solve my problem. 

And, it would mean I could continue helping my clients with my coaching and still feel OK about charging them for it.

Well, for the next couple of years (yes, years!) I spent literally hundreds of hours and many thousands of dollars researching and experimenting with alternative ways to operate my coaching business.

One result of doing that is I now have a hard drive on my computer full of information and courses that I've paid good money for that promised the world, but these either didn't give me the answers I was looking for, or I only got some of what I needed.

Ultimately though, I'm pleased to say that my perseverance in looking for solutions paid off.

I eventually found a mentor who showed me a way of solving the problems and challenges I was having in my coaching business.

He showed me how to implement an amazingly simple online coaching business model that can be applied to just about any coaching or consulting business and in a wide variety of coaching niches.

It involved a way to transition from solely coaching my clients individually to coaching my clients in groups, and doing this all online.

Now, as a way of explaining what his business model enabled me to do in my coaching business....

Can you imagine how it would be for you, if YOU were using this very same coaching business model too....and enjoy these kinds of outcomes in doing this in your coaching business:

  • You've freed up a huge amount of your time because your coaching program is now available in digital format, which makes it simpler to deliver it your clients more live delivery (unless you choose to do this), or continual content creation.
  • Coach your clients by providing them with your pre-recorded series of coaching lessons.
  • Because you now coach groups of clients, you're reaching many more people and yet you're able to coach them just as effectively in the same amount of time you would spend on coaching just one client individually.
  • Also, because you're now coaching a group of clients in a single coaching session your income has gone through the roof, and at the same time you have really happy clients because you're able to charge them a lesser fee.
  • And speaking of your income, because your coaching program, or programs are in pre-recorded digital form, you can start coaching a completely new group, or several new groups every week, or as often as you like.
  • Because your group coaching programs are now set up for automated delivery, this means you now have the potential for a regular source of passive income.
  • You've also decided to add doing a live weekly Q&A session to clients in your group programs. These are accessible to clients in any of your coaching groups, which means you're still able to develop a meaningful relationship with individual clients during these live sessions.
  • As far how you use your time now...well, you've now got lots of choice about how you use it. This could mean spending more time on promoting your coaching program, perhaps taking time out to exercise, being available for family and other personal commitments, or just relaxing, or even taking an extended holiday.
  • And what about this...because virtually all of your business is now online and your coaching is set up for automated delivery, you can work from anywhere, even if you've decided to travel. All that's needed to operate your business is your laptop and an internet connection.
  • And perhaps the best part making things like this a reality for you...there's a simple business model available to follow to set something like this up which doesn't require a whole heap of technical knowledge to put it all together.

Now, possibly at this stage you might be asking, is something like this really possible?....

Well, yes it is. I've personally done this, and I can show you how, you can do this too, taking it step by step with my coaching program.

Who is Anthony McAvaney, and why should I listen to him?

Don't take my word for it, here's what some of my previous clients have said:

So, If You're At That Point Where You Know Deep Down That Changes Are Needed In Your Coaching Business, Then I Invite You To Check Out My 90 Day Coaching Program

Here's How I'd Like To Help You...Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to:

  • Map out and then establish the full scope  your online group coaching program
  • Get started immediately on designing and then creating the content of your online group coaching program quickly and easily, using my proven approach
  • Set up your group coaching program for automated delivery so you can create more time freedom for yourself, plus the potential to create multiple streams of passive income from your coaching
  • Attract clients to sign up for your coaching program by using powerful and persuasive sales copy (which I can teach you how to write)
  • Capture leads on your email list and then use a series of automated emails to influence a high percentage of those leads to become paying customers
  • Write series of emails (I can assist you with ideas for content) that help to build on your authority, develop trusting relationships with your subscribers and encourage ongoing sales for your coaching services
  • Experience what it's like to earn while you sleep with your pre-recorded coaching program and automated email campaigns doing most of the work to generate consistent sales for your business
  • Do all this without wasting your time and money researching all the conflicting ideas and methods for creating and launching an online group coaching program
  • Remove any guesswork or trial and error on your part while setting all this up because you have my proven step by step pathway and methodology to follow

Here's exactly what you're going to learn and then implement over the next 90 days.

To Summarise...

This program involves a complete end-to-end process. I take you from:

  • Developing your initial group coaching concept
  • Through to how to plan your course
  • To then creating your digital content
  • Next you set up the all important email follow up
  • The final area of focus and implementation is on the marketing, promotion and launch of your very own online group coaching program

You get immediate access to nine in-depth modules of step by step training over a 90 day period. 

Plus, I've added many extra useful tools and supporting documents that make it easier for you to fully design, create and have ready for launch, your own online group coaching program.

Furthermore, you get to work personally with me when you attend the weekly live Q&A calls I’ll be conducting during the program.

Here's How The Program Will Work

I will be in touch with you by email starting within a few minutes of you enrolling in the program.

 In that first email you will get access to the course home page and from there you can immediately access all 9 modules.

Then, during the program I'll be in regular touch with you by email...either with some words of encouragement, plus extra hints and tips to help you along the way.

I will also of course be sending you a weekly reminder about the weekly live Q&A session together with the Zoom link to join in the calls. 

I'll be recording each of the live Q&A sessions and where questions or issues arise that I consider will be relevant to the whole community, I'll make the recordings available to you. (Sometimes the Q&A sessions are just catch ups with participants and don't contain any extra teaching I often do share these).

Also, if you know you're not able to join live for the Q&A sessions but have questions, or there's something you would like me to cover or clear up for you, then simply hit the reply button on the Q&A email reminder and let me know your questions.

Let's Talk About Your Investment

My usual hourly rate for 1-1 coaching sessions is $250 per hour.

In this 90 day program there's 10 hours of video teaching time, plus another 12 hours or so for the live Q&A call.  Based on the hours of direct teaching involved and charging my usual hourly rate, I could easily justify pricing this program at $5000.

However, for a limited time I'm taking a massive 40% off for people who register today.

That means your investment in the amazing 90 day program is just $2,997.00. 

If this easier for you I'm also offering you an instalment option of just 3 payments of $1050.00

Register today by clicking on the button below, but you need act quickly because this special price won't be available forever.

So, Here's What You're Going To Be Doing When You Register For My 90 Day Coaching Program.

You will:

  • Map out and then establish the full scope  your online group coaching program
  • Get started immediately on designing and then creating the content of your online group coaching program quickly and easily, using my proven approach
  • Set up your group coaching program for automated delivery so you can create more time freedom for yourself, plus the potential to create multiple streams of passive income from your coaching
  • Attract clients to sign up for your coaching program by using powerful and persuasive sales copy (which I can teach you how to write)
  • Capture leads on your email list and then use a series of automated emails to influence a high percentage of those leads to become paying customers
  • Write series of emails (I can assist you with ideas for content) that help to build on your authority, develop trusting relationships with your subscribers and encourage ongoing sales for your coaching services
  • Experience what it's like to earn while you sleep with your pre-recorded coaching program and automated email campaigns doing most of the work to generate consistent sales for your business
  • Do all this without wasting your time and money researching all the conflicting ideas and methods for creating and launching an online group coaching program
  • Remove any guesswork or trial and error on your part while setting all this up because you have my proven step by step pathway and methodology to follow

Click the button below to register now

Your investment is either a single payment of $2,997.00, or 3 payments of $1050.00

Oh...I Nearly Forgot To Tell You About This Bonus When You Register Today For My Program

As a further special bonus I am also offering you a complimentary 1 hour strategy session with me on Zoom. 

We're going to do this very early in the program. Why am I doing t his.

It's simple...I want get to know you, and learn what you're business is all about. As a result, I'll be much better able to assist and guide you during the program.

If you have ever wanted to make the transition from 1-1 coaching and reap the many benefits of having a group coaching program then this is your opportunity to take the next step to making this a reality.

But...this program is strictly for action takers.

If that sounds like you and you're ready to get started, just click the button above to register

I am genuinely looking forward to personally working with you to help you plan, create and get ready for launch your own online group coaching program.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Yours Sincerely


PS: If you are truly feeling frustrated, burnt out and are generally dissatisfied with the current demands on you to continue with relying solely on 1-1 coaching for clients and income, and you don't take action to change then think ahead 10 weeks from now.

If you do nothing about your present situation what do you expect is going to change?

Alternatively, you could begin today to take steps to set up your business for online group coaching, and all the benefits that kind of business model provides.

If you're ready to begin the transition to group coaching then let's work together on this. click the link now to register today!

Anthony has a vast amount of content, tools and knowledge to facilitate you building your online course. Furthermore, his dedication to making a difference (to your business) is apparent. The course is comprehensive and there is enormous learning and value-adding insights gained at every session. The ability to sign-in to his portal and access this at any stage is awesome. You won’t be disappointed!  Larri Wallbridge

Don’t hesitate to do this program. You will have access and guidance on every aspect of setting up an evergreen online group coaching program along with some worthwhile additional resources to add depth and value to your own program. Anne McLinden

Module 2

Determine exactly who your ideal client is. Build a description of how your coaching will help clients solve their problem i.e the results clients will achieve from your coaching program

Module 1

An introduction and overview of the online evergreen group coaching model

The advantages of group coaching vs coaching clients 1-1

Module 4

Identify the options you have for teaching your content. Choose and then plan the individual teaching strategies you intend to use for each lesson

Develop teaching content for your first lessons.

Module 3

Complete a plan for your overall course/program outline.

Then plan what individual lessons you are going to teach in your program, and in what order

Module 6

Why and how email is to be used in your coaching business.

Develop a sign up page for clients to access your coaching.

Develop a thank you page to complete the sign up process.

Module 5

Set up your course/program for online access by clients.

Design an online template for your individual lesson content.

Develop an online course/program home page.

Module 8

The structure of a sales letter

How to write a sales letter 

Create your sales letter

Module 7

Set up your email autoresponder.

Create an automated email nuture sequence of emails campaign.

The emphasis in this coaching program is on the ACTION you take to plan, create, and get ready for launch your own online group coaching program at the completion of the 90 days.

You will learn exactly what you need to do to achieve this result by completing all nine of the comprehensive teaching modules in my program. 

These have purposely developed so that you complete the program in a particular order, and by regularly taking small steps that I show you, and doing all those steps till your program is created and ready for launch.

AND...every week during this program there will be an additional 1 hour Q&A session which I will be doing live to answer your questions and to help you out should you need my assistance with taking action.

Online group coaching is an incredibly lucrative field.

You get paid a lot more to coach just one group of clients in a single group coaching session, when compared with what you would earn by coaching a client in a one-on-one coaching session.

30 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

Take a full 30 days to evaluate whether my 90 day coaching program will pave the way for you to plan, create and have ready for launch your own online group coaching program.

If it fails to do this then I don't want your money...I'll give it all back, no questions asked.

Anthony McAvaney from GetOnlineLab has years of experience in this industry and has put together a profound yet easy to follow program. By following his steps, I have been able to create a complete course based on my business coaching.  

Anthony, you have given me a gift and I'm ever so grateful to you. I couldn't have done this without you. Chris Sweeney

Module 9

Overview of a webinar promotional strategy 

The structure of a sales webinar

Essential steps to sell your webinar

As you can see, there are 9 modules to be completed over the 90 days.

You can proceed at whatever pace is convenient for you. Attempt to complete a module every week or 10 days. 

The number of action steps contained in each module vary. Some modules there isn't a lot action required. In others there are quite a few action steps.

However the program is designed so that it is possible for you to complete all the steps in 90 days.

Your investment is either a single payment of $2,997.00, or 3 payments of $1,050.00

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